5 January 2017
∞ mile's publishing operations ending
a call to re-imagine the public in and out of art
stephen garrett dewyer
Dear infinite mile reader,
Thank you for reading infinite mile during these last three years...

∞ mile's publishing operations ending
Jennifer JunkermeierThank you to everyone who read, wrote, edited, provided and created for infinite mile...

issue 01: December 2013
why a journal about art + culture(s) in Detroit?
stephen garrett dewyerMy desire to start a journal about art + culture(s) came after practicing as an artist for a couple of years in Detroit after I moved from Brooklyn, New York in 2012 and wanted to engage in critical and theoretical discussions in support of art and politics...

∞ mile is…
Jennifer JunkermeierMy letter to you describes what I think ∞ mile (infinite mile) is, what I hope it will become and why I think it is a necessary endeavor...