DETROIT, MICHIGAN-- ∞ mile, a journal of art + culture(s) in Detroit, received a $2,400 grant from the State of Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA) New Leaders Arts Council for the period of May - September 2015. The grant awards undergo a peer review process and ∞ mile was one of 494 applications to compete for MCACA fiscal year 2015 funding.
Support from the MCACA grant will help offset operating costs of ∞ mile, which launched in December 2013 and publishes monthly online issues. Each issue offers critical discourse in support of art and cultures in Detroit. ∞ mile’s audience continues to grow and features 70+ contributors who have some relationship with art + culture(s) in Detroit and whose work profoundly affects lives within and beyond the city. In addition to offsetting operating costs, the MCACA grant helps match funds awarded by the Knight Foundation to ∞ mile from October 2014 - 2016.
During its second year, ∞ mile seeks to grow its editorial capacity, pay contributors, develop a number of series relevant and critical to art + culture(s) in Detroit, produce an annual anthology and invest in applicable technologies. The series topics in ∞ mile exceed the scope of single articles but deal with themes relevant in many of the articles, artist projects, reviews, interviews, writings and photo essays published by the journal.
The MCACA peer review process allows for each grant application to be competitively considered by a panel of in-state and out-of-state arts and culture professionals. This ensures the taxpayers, who support this project through legislative appropriations, and all other visitors or residents in Michigan will have access to the highest quality arts and cultural experiences.
A complete list of grant awards around the state is available by contacting MCACA at 517-241-4011, or by visiting the MCACA website at
stephen garrett dewyer and Jennifer Junkermeier
∞ mile co-founding editors
twitter @InfiniteMile
