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Sin Paredes (Without Walls)


Bianca Ibarlucea


2016, Detroit, MI

Performance with sound component

Camera assistance: Juan Majerowicz

A performance, and first time experience of eating what is known as an authentic Detroit/Michigan food—the coney dog. The soundtrack is a field recording from Lafayette Coney Island, where the coney dog was prepared and purchased.

This performance explores the idea of syncretism (the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought) through what is considered the “feminine” sense—taste.

link - issue 32: October 2016

This text is by Bianca Ibarlucea in her capacity and does not, necessarily, reflect the views of different infinite mile contributors, infinite mile co-founders, the authors' employers and/or other affiliations.  

fence transparency
2016 art and race series logo
This article is part of the 2016 Art & Race Series organized in partnership with the University of Michigan Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design and infinite mile running from January – September 2016.