Ryan Standfest
Ryan Standfest
Ryan Standfest is a Detroit artist.  He is the editor and publisher of ROTLAND PRESS, presenting publications of humor and despair, and founded the performance group Cabaret BLACK EYE, a hybrid of vaudeville and Absurdist theatrical tendencies.  He is also a curator, assembling exhibitions that focus on different forms of humor in the visual arts.  Standfest holds an M.F.A. in Printmaking from The University of Iowa.
ryanstandfest.com (studio)

rotlandpress.com (publishing)

fence transparency
01. COITUS MODERN / CASE STUDY: Modernist Erotic Delirium issue 29: June 2016
02. The Naked Modern City issue 27: April 2016
03. LOCALIZED: Being a Satirical Fiction Consisting of Multiple Episodes issue 20: September 2015